Learning how to play an instrument is completely worth it


Features Editor Jordan Gonzalez

Some of the greatest things in life are the things that stay in a person’s life for a long time. Whether that may be a good friend or sticking with a soccer team throughout their elementary and middle school years. For some, it may just be sticking with a music class.

There are plenty of music classes that are offered at Wenatchee High School and they are the most memorable. Most of the music students in high school start at a young age, which is one of the greatest decisions a parent could make.

From piano to violin lessons, there are so many different instruments for kids to learn. When they get older, it will be a little cool for them to say “Oh, I play the cello,” or in my case “Oh, I play the viola,” not that anyone actually knows what that is, but still I’m still glad I didn’t end up with the stereotypical violin or cello in orchestra.

Anyway, as fourth-graders turn to 10th-graders, they start to really pick things up. They recognize different concertos, march in parades, play at pep rallies, perform at concerts, and finally learn how to tune with their pegs. The music classes travel everywhere; especially the band and mariachi. The students get to experience things that they might not be able to if they had never picked up their instrument. Even though things can get kind of rough, we all find a way to get that C# in tune. All in all, learning how to play an instrument is completely worth it.