Bridget Dowd, Editor-in-Chief
Bridget Dowd started out as a staff reporter her sophomore year, became News Editor and Circulation Manager her junior year, and is now the Editor-in-Chief of The Apple Leaf.
When she isn’t working on the newspaper, Bridget is the Vice President of Wenatchee High’s branch of the National Honor Society. She also participates in Knowledge Bowl and volunteers at Central Washington Hospital.
Bridget decided to become involved in the journalism program because she loves to write and enjoys meeting new people and sharing their stories. In fact, when Bridget was little she would set up a “news set” and record herself doing fake news reports. She believes that becoming a part of The Apple Leaf staff was the best decision she made in her high school career and that it is the class where she learns the most valuable lessons. After graduation, Bridget plans to go to college and continue to study journalism. She hopes to one day write for a professional magazine or other publication.
Bridget can be contacted at 360-430-2281 or by email: