Emily Cieslak, Managing Features Editor
Emily Cieslak is the Managing Features Editor of The Apple Leaf. Having served on the staff for the past three years, she looks forward to continuing the paper’s legacy of being a quality news and entertainment source. Throughout high school, Emily has entered numerous journalism write-off competitions, earning honorable mentions in Review and Features writing on both the state and national levels. She is currently interning with KOHO Radio, and in the past year has interned with Her Campus and Fashionomics LIVE. Beyond publications, Emily is the president of Wenatchee High School’s Key Club and Vice President of WHS’s chapter of National Honor Society. In the community, she serves as the Treasurer of Wenatchee’s Youth Leadership Council, a group of high school leaders in the valley who organize service projects. She enjoys volunteering, engaging in outdoor activities, and reading everything from books, to blogs, to magazines in her spare time. Yet, her biggest hobby is writing, and this interest led Cieslak to join The Apple Leaf. She plans to attend college and pursue this passion as a career. With its numerous opportunities and real-life lessons, she considers working on The Apple Leaf as invaluable preparation for her future! Emily can be contacted via email at: emily.cieslak.al@gmail.com.