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A forum for student expression since 1916

The Apple Leaf

A forum for student expression since 1916

The Apple Leaf

A forum for student expression since 1916

The Apple Leaf

Staff Reporter Lexi Rivera

Lexi Rivera, Staff Reporter

Lexi Rivera is a Staff Reporter for The Apple Leaf. Lexi is a sophomore and is new to The Apple Leaf this year. Always being interested in writing, Lexi decided to challenge herself and take her writing skills to the next level by getting involved in journalism.

When she isn’t writing, she enjoys playing basketball and being physically active inside and outside of school. She has played basketball since third grade and has continued to love it ever since.

Without a sport to play in the fall, Lexi ultimately chose to join The Apple Leaf to occupy her time, and because she became very interested in it after seeing and reading The Apple Leaf during freshman year.

Lexi can be contacted at 509-860-7619 or via email at:

All content by Lexi Rivera

A new way to give back: Winter Wishes

Lexi Rivera, Staff Reporter
October 15, 2014

Get to know the Panther quarterbacks

Lexi Rivera, Staff Reporter
September 24, 2014
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