You’re Next: movie rating 4.5/5 apples

You’re Next is an overly-gory thriller that focuses around the slaughtering of a wealthy, and dysfunctional family. They meet in a terribly placed home when it comes to killings (in the middle of a forest) for dinner. The family starts having an awful conversation about how they all hate each other, and before you know it, the sister’s boyfriend takes an arrow through the skull, but you won’t be too upset, because honestly, you wanted this guy to go first — he is the worst type of person. So the family starts running around like chickens with their head cut off, which is funny, because there’s at least three decapitations in this film.

The rest of the movie consists of the family fighting these killers that walk around with animal masks on (I know, creepy, right? It is honestly the scariest thing of all time). The intensity of the film is ridiculous; not a second goes by where one of the characters doesn’t have a chance to get his face taken off by a tomahawk. One of the characters ends up being some survivalist that has been preparing for this day for her whole life, and she seems to be the only match for these villains. She does her best to lead the family to safety or to victory, but then the biggest twist you have ever heard of happens. Really, this will have you going “Whaaaaaaaa…”  then it will have you turning to some random guy on the other side of the theater that happens to be staring at you too, and go “Whaaaaaaaaa…” and then it will have you turning back to the screen and go “Awwwwww…snap “

Remember when I said overly gory? Well let me put that into perspective; a guy gets his head scrambled by a blender and you see everything … unless you close your eyes (which most people do). This is really a great film for anyone that is looking for a thrill. I strongly recommend it.