Captain Phillips movie review: 5/5 leaves

Those pirates were at it again! This time, though, they were faced with the brave Captain Phillips. This movie begins from the moment the captain boards the boat. Then we see the pirate skiffs approaching the ship which Captain Phillips commands.

After boarding the ship, the pirates face a quick thinking crew. Eventually the pirates are overtaken by the ship crew and Phillips is kidnapped.This film is definitely worth a top rating for several reasons. The director, Paul Greengrass, does a good job setting the mood for the movie with the rather awkward drive of Phillips and his wife to the airport.

Although, I do advise that you inform yourself with the facts about the actual event before you watch the movie. Yes, it is based on a true story.

If you don’t have a small idea of what happened it will be a little harder for you to catch on at first. The scene that had me on the edge of my seat was when the pirates were aboard the merchant ship. Every moment the pirates moved around the ship I felt almost as if I was hiding with the crew.

Tom Hanks does an exceptional job making the audience feel the emotions he is put through as Captain Phillips through facial expressions and having a perfect tone to his voice in different situations.

Yet, another reason I appreciate the movie is because it also captures the struggle that the Somali people live and essentially why they become pirates.

The film is also quite accurate in accordance to the 2009 hijacking of the Maersk Alabama. Without spoiling the movie for you I highly encourage watching this great work of cinematography.