Looking for the ASB Office? Look further down the hall


Luke Strahm

ASB Secretary Tami Walters’ new desk is coming together in the Athletic Office. Cords still hang from the ceiling, which will soon be replaced by security cameras.

Due to a security issue, the office where students pay their fees, dues, and funds will be changing its location to a safer area in Wenatchee High School. The ASB Office officially moved to the Athletic Office today.

“It was easy to move. Mr. Grothe had a bunch of kids from his second-period class help me and they did most of the moving. I really haven’t had to move anything because of the students’ help and it’s been really nice,” ASB Secretary Tami Walters said.

ASB Secretary Tami Walters pushes her mini-fridge from the ASB Office to her new office, located in the Athletic Office, on the day of the move, Jan. 21.
Luke Strahm
ASB Secretary Tami Walters pushes her mini-fridge from the ASB Office to her new office, located in the Athletic Office, on the day of the move, Jan. 21.

According to WHS Principal Bob Celebrezze, the move is happening because of a security issue, specific to the amount of money that is located in such a public and easily accessible area. With the amount of money transferring back and forth from the Athletic Office to the ASB Office, it made good sense to make the change for security purposes, he said. “The Athletic and ASB office go hand-in-hand. A lot of paperwork and money that transpires is based out of the Athletic Office,” Celebrezze said.

“As for security, [the Safety and Security Department] always thought that where I was wasn’t safe because I was by myself,” Walters said.

There has also been a staffing issue with the ASB Office being separate from the Athletic Office, Celebrezze said. The Athletic Office is convenient for most and better staffed, so it made sense for the two offices to be combined in order to solve this issue.

The Athletic and ASB office go hand-in-hand.

— Principal Bob Celebrezze

“We’ve already worked together before, it’s just a change. I’ve already assumed this was going to happen for a while. Now we will just be able to help each other out. I can handle some change so it’s all good,” Assistant Athletic Director LeAnne Branam said.

“I think it’s going to be a good rest of the year and now I have people to work with. As far as safety, I feel like it’s probably equal to have the office moved,” Walters said.