Puckering up for a cause


Honor Society Adviser Mary Symonds

The Wenatchee High School Honor Society is sponsoring the first ever “Kiss the Goat” fundraiser on April 25. The club is hoping to raise $300 to use to carpet one room in the Habitat for Humanity house to help Interact Club.

For the past three weeks, Honor Society members have set up a booth with cups labeled with eight different teacher’s names on them, chosen by Honor Society adviser Mary Symonds. During both lunches, students made donations to the jar for the teacher they wanted to see kiss the goat.

The eight candidates in the running are Principal Bob Celebrezze, English Teacher Chris Cloke, Health and Fitness Teacher Scott Devereaux, Mariachi Director Ramon Rivera, Activities Coordinator Brent Grothe, Math Teacher Rudy Joya, Band Director Jim Kovach and Marketing Adviser Matthew Pakinas.

On the evening of April 24, Symonds will tally up all of the money and make a phone call to the lucky teacher who collected the most money and will have the honor of kissing Symond’s goat.

“I was trying to do something different and was trying to find a fundraiser that wouldn’t cost us any money,” Symonds said. “So I thought of the resources that we had and thought this would be perfect and so much fun.”

The event will take place during the Pep Assembly in the auditorium on April 25. The teacher will be kissing a 16-month goat named Zazzle.

“The goat will be brushed and groomed and then we will be applying the lipstick, of course with no animal products I must add,” said Symonds. “Then we just ask the teacher to give Zazzle a big kiss and then it’s over!”