Stephanie Iverson, Staff Reporter
Stephanie Iverson is a first year Staff Reporter for The Apple Leaf. By joining this class, she strives to strengthen and develop her writing abilities. She also yearns to expand her expertise in photography.
Her main passions include photography and dancing her heart out. In addition, Stephanie spends her free time either reading a great novel or spending time with her family and friends. She enjoys taking pictures of her surroundings and maybe a few selfies when she has the chance. She serves as the Treasurer for Spanish Club at WHS. She loves getting involved in her school much as possible.
She would of never thought of joining journalism without the help of people recommending it. Journalism will help progress in her writing and photography skills. She’s excited to be a part of The Apple Leaf family and can’t wait to learn from everyone.
Stephanie can be contacted at 206-673-1843 or via email at: